Illinois Collaborative Law Attorneys

Collaborative Divorce Lawyer Serving Clients in DuPage, Kane, and Cook Counties
Divorce can take an emotional toll on everyone involved, especially if it turns into a long, drawn-out court battle. Divorcing spouses who want to bypass the courts and work out their differences amicably may opt for a collaborative law divorce. With a collaborative divorce, both parties and their attorneys agree to negotiate privately to come to a settlement they can present to the court for approval. The attorneys involved must be certified collaborative practitioners.
At A. Traub & Associates, we are dedicated to providing divorcing couples with practical and effective alternatives to traditional litigation when the spouses are willing to work together. Attorney Angel Traub is trained and certified by the Illinois Institute of Collaborative Law. She has extensive experience representing clients in collaborative divorces, and she has a successful track record with this process. Attorney Traub is also certified in divorce and family law mediation, and she is on the list of court-approved mediators for DuPage, Cook, Kane, and Will Counties.
The Collaborative Law Divorce Process in Illinois
In a collaborative divorce, both spouses and their attorneys sign an agreement to participate in the collaborative process. The parties agree to participate in good faith and agree to maintain the status quo regarding their assets, children, and other issues while the process is ongoing (unless there are other mutual agreements regarding these issues). If participants are unable to reach a settlement, the attorneys must withdraw from the case, and they are not allowed to represent the parties in any subsequent divorce litigation.
The collaborative law process can be used to resolve virtually any issue in a divorce. This includes:
- Child Custody, Parenting Time, and Support
- Child Relocation Issues
- Alimony/Spousal Support
- Division of Marital Assets
- Divorce Tax Consequences
The goal of the collaborative process is to settle issues in a peaceful and workable manner. Participants are empowered to utilize creative approaches to more effectively address their specific circumstances and develop solutions that work for them. If a collaborative divorce is successful, couples can save a significant amount of money on court costs and legal fees, and the process is usually completed faster than with traditional litigation.
Speak With a Rolling Meadows Collaborative Law Lawyer
A collaborative divorce can be very beneficial for some couples, but it is not for everyone. Both sides need to be willing to work together in good faith; otherwise, the process could end without a settlement. If you are considering a divorce, and you believe the collaborative process may be right for you, contact our office today at 847-749-4337 for a personalized consultation. We offer collaborative law services in Cook County, Kane County, and DuPage County.